
What Happens When You Get Caught With A Fake ID?

Fake ID

Some might think that flouting legal restrictions with fake identification cards is becoming the norm. While it seems to be an intelligent way to access a local venue or get alcohol even though you’re under 21, you should know that such action gets offenders into legal trouble.  A government-issued ID is considered fake when altered, counterfeited, duplicated, falsified, or forged.  If a law enforcement officer finds such an ID with you, you’ll be penalized. Before you choose the path of presenting a fake ID, it’s best to understand the penalties such an act attracts.

  • You’re Denied Access

Although getting counterfeit ID 2021 may seem fun, there are consequences. If you’re caught trying to access a club or bar with a fake ID, the bouncer or any other security official present will deny you access. Aside from that, the agent may embarrass you in front of the crowd and probably teach you a lesson or two. 

On no occasion will an ID detected as fake give you entry to a place where you must get cleared at the door. The phony ID will keep you away. However, there are instances where fake IDs have gone undetected. Some IDs emulate security measures and share striking similarities with the original. 

  • You Lose The ID

Beyond being denied access, another penalty you can get is losing the ID. This can be frustrating and painful, especially if you have spent lots of money getting an ID. The ID will be taken away from you. Depending on the person you’re dealing with, it may be seized temporarily or permanently. 

However, that doesn’t mean you’re free from every other criminal charge. In some scenarios, after your ID is taken away from you, you’re handed over to the police for further interrogations. While in others, you’re warned. In a few cases, you can get away with fake IDs. But how sophisticated is your fake ID? Can they bypass security measures?

  • The Police Arrest You

If a police officer catches you with a fake ID, you’ll be arrested. It’s risky to deceive a police officer with a fake ID. If you’re directly obtained by them, you’ll face heavier consequences. No police officer will let you go scot-free after seeing you with a fake ID. You’ll be arrested and can be charged for various criminal offenses depending on the state you’re in. 

Laws vary by state; however, when detained by the police, it’s expected that you could face jail time and pay a hefty fine. In the state of Illinois, a person caught with a fraudulent document can be charged with a class 4 felony punishable up to three years in prison and a fine up to $25,000. But this law is not the same for every state. Regardless of the outcome, presenting fake IDs is a bailable offense.

  • Your Reputation Is Tarnished

Your decision to use a fake ID can affect your reputation for a long time. If you’re convicted in New York, for example, the most significant consequence you’ll face is that it goes on your permanent record and stays with you for life. The offense sticks on your personality and follows you everywhere you go.

This can serve as a dent in your application for jobs or internships. With such a record, your chances of getting employed may be affected. Some jobs will not hire you if you have a history of being arrested for using a fake ID.

  • Your Academics Are Threatened

If you’re a college student caught using a fake ID, you may put your academics at risk. Universities have their Student Conduct Code which states the consequences students will face when committing offenses such as using a fake ID. 

Taking such action as a student can lead to your removal from the university housing; your parking privileges can be suspended, or you get dismissed from the university. In addition, you may not be allowed to study abroad. If you happen to lead an organization, group, or club, it could be subjected to the permanent or temporary removal of recognition and denial of the use of university facilities.


The use of fake IDs comes with many unpleasant consequences. If you’re caught using one, you’ll bear the brunt of it – it can affect some important aspects of your life. However, it’s an avoidable and bailable crime, so you don’t have to be anxious. Therefore, it’d help if you took the time to research what the specific laws in your state say and use them to guide your actions to avoid legal issues.

Chandra Shekar

I'm a tech enthusiast who loves exploring the world of digital marketing and blogging. Sharing my thoughts to help others make the most out of their online presence. Come join me on this journey to discover the latest trends in technology and digital media.

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