
Best Ways for Using Web Archiving to Benefit Your Company

Best Ways for Using Web Archiving to Benefit Your Company

Web archiving is becoming extremely popular amongst organizations of all fields as it helps them maintain a record of their website in a simple, secure manner. These records are easily accessible at any time.

There are still quite a few people who are unaware of the benefits they can receive from using this method. If you too are one of them or are just someone who is looking to get more out of web archiving, read the points below to know how you can benefit your organization by using this technique:

1. Go through the archives regularly

One of the major reasons why companies decide to archive their website is to have a record of how their website looked years from now. However, web archiving shouldn’t simply be done to store the webpages as a reminder of what your company was. You should use the archives to help your company grow.

You must make your team engage with the data and use it to formulate strategies for the future. You can go through the different features your site had to offer at various points and see which ones were the most loved by customers. You’ll also be able to make any changes toṣ your current website when you go through its archives regularly.

When you go through the data routinely, you’ll be able to see if there are some important pieces that the organization isn’t archiving.

2. Archive the Links on Your Website as Well

The regulations for digital marketing are quite strict and if your content does not comply with them, the consequences for your company won’t be good.

You should have firsthand knowledge of some of the most important regulations and ensure that you are following them. However, there might still be some mistakes when your content is finally uploaded. This is the reason why you should keep revisiting your latest archives routinely. You’ll be able to analyze your page and rectify any errors.

Sometimes, the links you provide on your website can also land you in trouble as some of them can lead to sites that don’t comply with the rules. So, make sure that when you archive your page, you include these links as well. It will allow you to refer to them in the future and remove them if they are non-compliant.

3. Make Archiving a Part of Your Marketing Strategy

Like we mentioned in the previous point, it is important that you are in strict compliance with the marketing regulations. This might be difficult when your website has a lot of content. For this very reason, you should make web archiving a part of your marketing strategy. Use tools like Stillio to streamline this whole process.

Archiving tools have a web crawler that can crawl over the entire website and return accurate data. As soon as your page is archived, you should share it with your marketing team, and someone who knows about the regulations. This will help them go through it once again.

Moreover, your team will be able to gauge the experience of the customers in a better way when they go through the archived web page which will further assist them in making necessary revisions to the site.

4. Use Archives to Fight off False Claims

One of the main benefits of maintaining a digital web archive is that you will always have proof of what was posted on your website on any given day. This is very important if a party claims that you flouted some norms or copied their content or any other such reason.

When you’ll have to take matters to a legal proceeding, the archives will be highly beneficial for you as you’ll be able to refute their claims.

However, in certain cases, having just a screenshot of your website won’t suffice. That is why it’s recommended that you add a timestamp to every screenshot of the website. Archiving the metadata would also be a good idea. When you present archived data with this additional information, you’ll surely be able to save your organization from a potential lawsuit.

Web archiving will accelerate the growth of your organization. Make sure you use it in the above-mentioned ways to receive the maximum benefits out of it.

Chandra Shekar

I'm a tech enthusiast who loves exploring the world of digital marketing and blogging. Sharing my thoughts to help others make the most out of their online presence. Come join me on this journey to discover the latest trends in technology and digital media.

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