
Five Tips for Staying Safe at a College Party

You go to college to get a degree so you can pursue a fulfilling career after graduation, but that’s not all college is about. It’s also about striking out on your own, making new friends, and having fun in between all those study sessions and classes!

One great way to have some fun and meet new people is to go to a college party. However, that doesn’t mean partying is always safe. There are things you should do to make sure that you have a good time and return home safely.

Plan a Ride Ahead of Time

Don’t make the mistake of going to a party without knowing exactly how you’re going to get home. If you do, you could find yourself in jail for a DUI. If you aren’t driving, but the person who is driving has been drinking, you could find yourself in a serious accident.

Make sure you have a sober driver before you go to the party. If everyone you’re partying with wants to drink, make sure you plan ahead to take a cab or an Uber. If you’re on campus, look up the bus routes and see how late they run. It doesn’t matter how you decide you’re going to get home, as long as you plan ahead to make sure that your way home is safe and sober.

Go With a Friend

Chances are, you plan to go to the next party with a friend. That’s a great idea! The trouble is, it isn’t uncommon for college students to go to parties with friends, but then end up getting separated. It might be because they find someone new they want to spend time with, or it might be because they want to leave the party before everyone else. No matter what the reason, it can be dangerous.

There are a lot of stories out there about women who go to parties with friends and don’t end up making it home, but it can be dangerous for men too, especially if they end up walking home alone at night.

Do yourself a favor and go home with the same friend you came to the party with, no matter how badly you may want to stay out later or go home with a cute guy you just met.

Carry as Little as Possible

There are at least a few things you need to make sure you have when you go out. They include:

  • ID
  • Cell phone
  • Cash
  • Credit card
  • Chapstick or lip gloss

Anything beyond that isn’t necessary and could put you at risk. Not to mention, the fewer things you bring, the fewer things you can lose if something does get left behind.  Leave the big bag that can easily be stolen at home and instead bring a smaller bag. If you have pockets, you may want to consider putting things in your pockets so you don’t have to bring a bag at all.

Know Who Has Handled Your Drink

No matter who you’re with, where you are, or what you are doing, you should always know who has handled your drink. In most cases, that should only be you and the bartender.

One sobering statistic revealed that 37 percent of people admitted to the ER for being intentionally poisoned were slipped something in a drink. That happens when you leave your drink unattended or you accept a drink directly from someone you don’t know well.

Only allow people you trust to handle your drinks. If you leave yours unattended or someone you don’t know very well offers you a cup, don’t take it.

Make Sure Others Know Your Plans

If you’re hiking in the woods, it’s important that at least one other person knows your plans so they know when and where to look if you don’t return home. The same is true when you go out to a party.

Hopefully, you’re at the party with a friend, but it doesn’t hurt to tell someone who isn’t at the party what your plans are. It also means telling your party buddy if you’re going to the bathroom or you’re going outside for some fresh air. That way, if you’re gone a little too long, they know to go looking for you.

Partying in college can be a lot of fun! It also has the potential to be dangerous. Keep yourself safe by following these tips and you can continue going out with friends without worry.

Chandra Shekar

I'm a tech enthusiast who loves exploring the world of digital marketing and blogging. Sharing my thoughts to help others make the most out of their online presence. Come join me on this journey to discover the latest trends in technology and digital media.

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