
An Introduction to the Dos and Don’ts of Google’s Algorithm


If you’re new to search engine optimization, you might be overwhelmed with all the information about what works and what doesn’t when optimizing your website for Google’s algorithm. The good news? We’ve compiled a list of the most important dos and don’ts to help keep up with those changes and get ahead in your SEO efforts:

Search engine optimization (SEO) is an ongoing marketing strategy aiming to increase the number of website visitors you receive from search engines like Google. By using sydney seo companies, your website will rank higher in search engine results pages, driving more traffic to your site and increasing your visibility on the web. However, it’s a long-term strategy that can take months or even years to fully take effect—and every day, hundreds of Google algorithm updates change how we approach SEO as marketers.

Google’s algorithm is constantly changing

In fact, it’s been updated continuously since 2001, and today we’re in a phase where Google makes over 500 changes per year to improve the user experience. If you want your website to be successful on Google, you need to know what these updates are doing and what they mean for your business.

Even if someone manages to outsmart Google’s algorithm with a clever trick or shortcut, their success usually only lasts for about six months before those tactics are penalized by the search engine. This means that if you want long-term growth in your business and traffic from organic search results, you need a strategy that focuses on creating high-quality content instead of trying hard to game Google’s system.

SEO takes time – SEO is not a quick fix

It’s important to understand that SEO is not a quick fix. It takes time, effort, and patience, but most importantly, it takes planning to be effective. This means that if you want to take advantage of the search engine traffic that comes from Google and other search engines, you need to invest time and effort into your website’s content to rank well in search results.

The best SEO practices evolve with the algorithm

SEO is an ongoing process requiring constant updates to your website and strategy. Therefore, you shouldn’t expect a quick fix or magic bullet but rather an ongoing effort that requires patience and dedication.

It’s also important to note that there is no one-size-fits-all approach to SEO. Each business has its own needs, goals, audience, and competition—thus, each needs its unique plan for success in the search engine rankings. Therefore, it’s not enough to hire someone who says they can help you with their “secret formula”; instead of wasting time on this type of tactic (which may even be unethical), develop a strategy based on what works best for your company’s specific goals and audience base so that you can take full advantage of Google’s recent changes as well as future innovations for them not only achieve success but stay ahead!

Use relevant keywords throughout your website

You’ve heard them before: “keywords.” But what exactly are keywords, and why should you use them?

Keywords are words or phrases that indicate the topic of a given page. They can be used to determine how relevant a website is to a search query, and they’re also an important part of how Google ranks websites. So using these terms in places like your title tag, body text, URL, image ALT tags, and so on can help improve your chances of being found when someone searches for something related to your business or product.

If you want people to find what you have to offer online—whether it’s an ebook or simply more information about the services you provide—then using relevant keywords throughout your website is key!

Don’t overuse keywords in your website content.

One of the biggest misconceptions about SEO is that you must stuff keywords into your website copy. Sure, it’s okay to use them—but don’t overdo it. The keyword density should be no more than 2-3%. So if you’re writing a blog post about how to make chocolate cake, for example, use “chocolate cake” as often as possible without sounding unnatural (and without going above 3%).

In addition to using your keywords in the body text of each page on your website, remember that they can also appear in the title tag and heading tags (H1s). This helps Google know what each page is about and gives users a clue before they click through. For example:

  • Title Tag: How To Make Chocolate Cake
  • H1: Chocolate Cake Recipe

Don’t participate in link schemes to manipulate PageRank

Google’s algorithm, or search engine, is very sophisticated. It uses hundreds of signals (like the number of links to a given page) to determine the most relevant content and sites. So while it would be nice if you could pay Google to ensure that your page ranks higher than its competition, this is not the case.

Google’s algorithm has become smarter over time, intending to provide users with only quality results. Unfortunately, this means that even if you do everything right on your website, there are still things that can cause your site to lose visibility in search results.

Avoid using text that is off-topic or has no relation to the content on the page

Let’s say you’re writing an article about the benefits of eating beets. Text that mentions “carrots” or “broccoli,” which are also healthy foods, is not helpful for your readers and does not contribute to the topic of your article. Therefore, you want to ensure that any text you use on a page is relevant to what you’re talking about.

This rule applies to individual articles, blog posts, and general pages (e.g., homepage). It’s important that any information visitors may find while browsing through different content on your site is relevant and useful to them at all times – whether they’re looking for something specific or just browsing around!

Avoid stuffing irrelevant keywords on your pages

A good way to think about the Google Algorithm is that it’s like a giant, human-powered search engine that crawls the web and indexes pages. The more you can do to make your site look like an authority on its subject matter, the better your chance of showing up in relevant searches. For example, suppose you’re writing about hiking trails in southern California and aren’t talking about anything related to hiking trails (like gear or destinations). In that case, chances are that those keywords won’t show up in your article unless someone specifically searches for them.

On top of this, Google will penalize sites that use spammy techniques like keyword stuffing or paid links because their algorithm can easily detect these tactics. So if you want your website to rank highly on search engines like Google or Bing, it’s important not only what you write but also how much content there is on each page!

Using SEO correctly can be a long-term marketing strategy for your business

We’re trying to say here that if you want your business to grow and if you want your website to be a sustainable source of revenue, then it’s best not to treat SEO as a quick fix. If something goes wrong with your site’s search engine optimization—and trust us when we say that something will go wrong sooner or later—it could take weeks or even months before you notice any changes in traffic levels.

You need to be prepared for this reality: SEO is not an instant gratification tool. Rather than seeing immediate results from all the work you put into optimizing your website, what’s more, likely is that you’ll barely see any change for several months after making improvements. This can be frustrating for some businesses looking for quick fixes to boost their ranking quickly so they can move on with other aspects of their marketing strategies.


It’s important for businesses to have a basic understanding of SEO, but it’s equally as vital that you build a strong content strategy. If you don’t take action now, your competitors will. So implement these dos and don’ts into your business today—you won’t regret it. After all, sydney seo is important if you want to be at the top. You can thank us later!

Chandra Shekar

I'm a tech enthusiast who loves exploring the world of digital marketing and blogging. Sharing my thoughts to help others make the most out of their online presence. Come join me on this journey to discover the latest trends in technology and digital media.

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