
The Complete Guide on How to Open a Delivery-Only Restaurant

In the past, opening a restaurant meant you had to be able to accommodate people. You had to be prepared for the possibility that some customers might want to order and eat at their tables. But times are changing, and more restaurateurs are realizing that there’s enough demand for delivery-only restaurants that they can succeed without having any dining space at all.

Recognize Your Limitations

This is the first step to opening a delivery-only restaurant, but it’s also important to keep in mind throughout the process. You can’t be everything at once and you won’t be able to do everything yourself–so don’t try! Recognizing your own limitations will help you hire people who are better than you at certain things, which will make everyone’s lives easier in the long run. Don’t overreach and don’t be afraid to ask for help when needed; knowing when it’s appropriate (and not just for ego) will save time and money later on down the line when mistakes could have been avoided altogether by asking someone else early on instead of trying something out on their own first before realizing there was no way around needing additional assistance from another person or company with more expertise than yours

Start-Up Costs

When you’re planning to open a delivery-only restaurant, it’s important to know that start-up costs will vary widely depending on the type of restaurant you want to run. Costs will also vary based on location, size and type of equipment used in your kitchen.

You can expect to spend between $20,000-$40,000 for equipment and software if you plan on using an existing location or building from scratch (which includes permits). This includes refrigerators/freezers; ovens; stoves; sinks; dishwashers; prep tables and counters for food preparation; utensils like knives & cutting boards; storage containers for food storage at each station in the kitchen (such as salad dressings) etc.

Do Your Research

The first step in opening a delivery-only restaurant is to do your research.

  • Do a market survey: Find out what competitors are doing in your area, and how much they’re charging for their food. You can also research on the internet to see if there are any other delivery-only restaurants nearby that might have good ideas for you to use as inspiration.
  • Talk to other restaurants or people who have experience in the restaurant business: If you know someone else who owns their own restaurant, ask them questions about how they did it!

Choose the Right Place

When you’re choosing a location for your delivery-only restaurant, keep in mind that foot traffic is key. You want to make sure that the area has plenty of potential customers who will order from you and not just walk by without noticing your food truck or storefront.

The next thing to consider is whether or not the location is legal–i.e., if it complies with all city ordinances and zoning laws. If it doesn’t, then this could pose problems later on down the line as well as cause some headaches when trying to build up business (no one wants their kitchen shut down).

Also think about safety: Is there enough security at night? Do people hang out around here often? Are there any dangers associated with being near this place at certain times of day/night? These are all important questions worth answering before signing anything official! And lastly…you should always check parking availability!

Get a Good Team In Place

You will need a good team in place to help you run the business. Your staff should be well-trained, efficient and friendly. They will also need to have a good understanding of food hygiene and health standards.

The first thing you should do is make sure that your team has all the necessary skills needed for running a delivery-only restaurant. If they don’t have these skills, then it might be better for them not just because it would mean more time spent training them but also because their lack of knowledge could affect customer satisfaction levels down the line which could lead to negative reviews online or even cancellations by customers who feel let down by poor service quality (which can happen when staff aren’t well trained).

Make Sure You Have an Efficient Kitchen

It’s important to make sure that you have a good kitchen. The layout of your restaurant should be efficient and convenient for your staff, who will be working long hours. You need enough equipment to handle the volume of food being made daily, but not so much that it takes up too much space or becomes too expensive to maintain. And while it may be tempting to hire non-restaurant workers–such as former servers or bakers–to help out in the kitchen because they’re cheaper than trained cooks or chefs, this can lead to problems down the line: if they’re inexperienced with cooking professionally, they’ll struggle with speed and efficiency; if they lack passion for cooking at all (as many service industry veterans do), then their morale might suffer when things get tough on busy days.

You also need proper cleaning procedures in place before opening day arrives; otherwise there’ll be no way for customers not only to enjoy their meals but also feel safe eating them!

Find Restaurant Delivery Software

Restaurant delivery software is a tool that helps you run your restaurant. It allows you to manage operations, schedule staff and deliveries, track sales, take orders online and much more.

With so many options available it can be hard to decide which one is best for your business. That’s why we’ve put together this guide on how to open a delivery-only restaurant: complete with our top recommendations for restaurant delivery software!

Starting a Delivery-Only Restaurant Takes Careful Planning and Execution

A delivery-only restaurant is a great business idea for those who want to start their own restaurant but don’t have the money or space to open a brick-and-mortar location. However, it takes careful planning and execution to make this type of business successful.


If you have what it takes to start a delivery-only restaurant, then we wish you the best of luck. It’s not an easy task, but with the right planning and execution, it can be done. This guide will help get you started on the right foot so that your business runs smoothly from day one!

Chandra Shekar

I'm a tech enthusiast who loves exploring the world of digital marketing and blogging. Sharing my thoughts to help others make the most out of their online presence. Come join me on this journey to discover the latest trends in technology and digital media.

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